How to Improve website Ranking

Let’s have a look at 3 components that not only increase usability on your site, but also help improve your websites SEO ranking:

1. Useful, high quality, relevant content

Dwell time” is the total amount of time visitors spend on your blog and it can also affect SEO ranking of your blog too.

When you provide useful content on your website,then your visitors will tend to stay longer on your blog to consume the information you have provided on your blog and therefore this also help in the increase of dwell time.

According to the most of the experts, content between 2,000 – 2,500 words seems to rank the highest in search ranking on any search engine in the world.

Mostly the word count doesn’t rule the SEO world – no one will ever read your stuff if it’s not helpful to them – longer content does give you the opportunity to provide more value, include more keywords, incorporate more outbound links, and of course, get people to spend more time reading to increase your dwell time.

2. Page load speed

We all know that Both "Google" and "Bing" take page-loading speed into account in their website ranking algorithm (factor).

Many users may leave your blog if they have to wait even just an extra few seconds for each page to load. That would hurt your dwell time, increase your bounce rate and reduce the number of pages viewed – all of which could hurt your SEO ranking. We don't want this to happen so your need to Take care of this. 

How to Increase Your Website Loading Speed.

This video will help you to increase your website loading speed. If you are using WordPress then there are many new plugins are available to help you out. This video will help you for free.

3- Layout and formatting

Proper formatting and a user-friendly layout can help improve user experience and make your content easy to scan and digest, so your readers will stay on your site longer and consume your website’s information.
Formatting can help dramatically improve a web page's usability by making the content easy to read:
  • Use font size and typography that are easy to read.
  • Use bold type and colors – sparingly and strategically – to call out important information and make the content easy to scan.
  • Use short paragraphs and ample line spacing in between – nobody likes a wall of text.
  • Use bulleted or numbered lists for clarity.
  • Use techniques such as sliders, tabs, progressive layouts, structured grids, modal windows, rollover elements, accordions and mega drop-down-menus to organize content and add interactivity.
  • Break up content into sections with subheads. Proper use of header tags that include keywords also helps boost SEO ranking.

4. Outbound links

To make your content more useful and relevant, you can link out to authority sites for more in-depth information your readers can use.

Linking out to well-respected authority sites will not only increase the relevancy of your content and time readers spend on your site, but it is also believed to send trust signals to Google and improve SEO ranking.

However, more is not necessarily better. Too many outbound links can be distracting and make the content hard to get through.

5. Broken links
Who wants to get a 404 page after clicking on a link? Broken links make for bad usability.
Not only that, search engines consider a large number of broken links as a signal of an old, neglected site and this can impact your SEO ranking.
Thankfully, you don’t have to go through every single page on your website and test the links manually. There are many tools and apps to help ensure that your site is free of broken links.

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